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Living with no teeth can cause a person to look older than they are; result in problems with eating and speaking; contribute to the sagging of facial muscles; and increase bone loss. Fixed bridges or removable dentures are two routes a person can take if they have lost all of their teeth due to injury, tooth decay, or gum disease.

Should I get a fixed bridge or removable dentures?

If a person decides to get their teeth replaced, they can choose between two main options: a fixed bridge and removable dentures. Aside from low cost and ease of installation in the mouth, removable dentures have little benefit to the patient in the long run. These types of dentures can either fit over the gums or be anchored in place by implants in the jaw.

Disadvantages of removable dentures include:

  • Discomfort when eating
  • Affected speech
  • Loss of taste
  • Sore gums from movement
  • Unnatural appearance

Unless cost is the only concern, removable dentures are not the better option for those seeking to improve the overall quality of their oral appearance.

Why Choosing a Fixed Bridge Is a Better Option

Fixed bridges involve full arch replacement, which is the replacement of all your teeth on four implants (or 8 for the entire mouth). While there are many different ways that a fixed bridge can be installed in the mouth, consulting with an experienced cosmetic dentist will determine which is most beneficial for you.

A common course of treatment to install a fixed bridge is as follows:

  1. A dentist will determine what is the best route for installing the fixed bridge with the patient;
  2. Dental implants will be placed in the gums to replace lost tooth roots;
  3. A bridge is installed on top over the course of a few dental visits; and
  4. Enjoy the new smile, ease of speech, and chomping down on some favorite foods!

The benefits of a fixed bridge outweigh those of removable dentures by a long shot. A fixed bridge will fully mimic natural teeth and is a lifetime solution to tooth loss. If extra care is taken when cleaning these teeth, they should expect to last between 10 and 20 years.

All-on-4® Dental Implants—Full Arch Replacement

Dr. Roya Mirkhan at Advanced Dentistry & Implant Center has been named one of the best dentists in America. As a Scripps-affiliated dentist and oral surgeon, she has the proven skill and experience needed to replace all of your teeth with an attractive, functional, and comfortable fixed bridge.

Dr. Mirkhan performs the acclaimed All-on-4® dental implant procedure with care and gentleness. She is also skilled at bone grafting. If you have low bone density in your jaw, she can perform bone augmentations to prepare your jaw for implants so that the All-on-4® implants are successful and long-lasting. Learn more by speaking with Dr. Mirkhan as soon as possible!

To schedule a consultation for a fixed bridge procedure, call Advanced Dentistry & Implant Center today at (858) 337-6264!

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